Saturday, October 13, 2012

Virgo Horoscope December 2012

If you're single, you might enhance your efforts to meet your soul mate. The problem is Pluto, located in your house of love, that has exaggerate demands.

Moving on to something else, it's possible that in December 2012 you'll be haunted by the memory of the past or even get your attention focused on an older relationship.In December 2012 you'll have a lot of work to do and besides that, you'll be so preoccupied with money that you'll be capable of overdoing it with work up to complete exhaustion, without any track of how days and nights will go by. That is either to earn more money, or to avoid some expenses.

Speaking of business and investments, the real estate and patrimony goods will probably prevail in December 2012.

Regardless of the area of activity though, collaborations and contracts can be troublesome, so be careful!