Monday, October 22, 2012

Virgo Horoscope January 2013

In the second part of January 2013 the situation will become even more serious, because Venus will enter your house of couples too. You cannot escape now! But the person you're interested in won't stand a chance, either. There could be some troubles between January 15th and 25th 2013, but, overall, Cupid will play by your rules. Your love & relationships horoscope for January 2013 can be better understood in the context of Virgo love & relationships horoscope 2013 (opens in new window).

January will be a good period for work and it'll be generously paid. An interesting situation for the tandem work-money will arise in the first part of the month. It'll be an efficient combination between luck and strategy. As if something you have planned exceeds your expectations or some great effort pays off over night. It's also possible that it's about a sum that will reward you for a special talent or exceptional inspiration. Moreover, your intuition will help you a lot in the first part of January 2013, as well as your personal charm or social connections.

 Connections will continue to favor you in the second part of the month too, in the shape of advantageous collaborations and contracts. Other advantages of January 2013 will be creativity, the force of expression and the instinct of opportunity, which will place you in the right place at the right time. Be careful, though, not to waste your chances by haste and anxiety!